Happy New Year សួស្តីឆ្នាំថ្មី ២00៨
To end 2007 year and starting new 2008 I would like to link this post entry to the microphone sound of Khmer classic love song by Huy Meas and Sin Sisamut.
I don't know what year this song came out. But I am sure it's at least recorded 5 years before I was born. This would make it a pre-1975 recording.
I would like to thank to JS, (picture below) for sending me the song. Click on the picture will link to her website. I've been listening to this piece over and over. I love Miss Huy Meas voice !! And, Mr. Sin Sinsamut legendary voice proved he was and is truly the all-time king of Khmer music .
The song title is "Thida Kloak Thep". I've transcribed the song lyrics in Khmer Unicode below. It's so poetic. Listening to songs like this, I will soon couldn't help not to fall in love :)
Happy New Year !---- Vanak, Phnom Penh.
Click "PLAY" button on the Esnips player to hear "Thida Kloak Thep" song. Enjoy!
" ធីតាឃ្លោកទិព្យ " ហួយ មាស -- ស៊ីន ស៊ីសាមុត
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Happy New Year to you and thanks for sharing the music!
i hope you like her voice. Thank you for visiting.
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