Don't call me a xenophobe .
My previous entry on អនិកជន Anikachun -- What do I think about foreigners/ Khmer returnees ? received some interesting responses. Most notably the lengthy comment posted from Battambangnative has awaken me to reread KC’s final response to my email. Thank you, Battambangnative for your comment!
Regarding free speech, KC wrote “…I also believe that it is good as long as these free expressions do not incite hatred and violence”. He also went on to mention the term " xenophobic" and "racist". This perked my interest to write this blog entry.
After I read Battambangnative comment, I started to think that KC’s response is ambiguous. KC truly did try to send me some message. So now I thought If I write something about the ruling CPP Prime Minister Hun Sen govenment corruption, I ‘m inciting instability and violence. If I write about Vietnamese (Yuon), I’m xenophobic and inciting racist and hatred. This is like when I say the truth, but the truth is not to your liking, then you are accusing me of xenophobic, racist, inciting hatred and violence. Now I’m confused. What can or can’t I say anymore? Enough. I am not xenophobic nor racist. On with the truth how I feel toward the Vietnamese.
As far as the Vietnamese goes, which we always called them ‘Yuon’ really does have the intention to take Cambodia as theirs. (If any foreigner tells you not to use the word ‘Yuon’ because it is racist and derogatory, don’t believe them. We have the word ‘Yuon’ in our Khmer dictionary and it defines that it is not a derogatory term at all).
Back In 1979 just before I was born, Vietnam invaded Cambodia and annexed the country as theirs. I read Cambodia was called “Rath Kampuchea ” or State Cambodia. This implied that Cambodia was not a country but a state, which belonged to Vietnam . This was and is a scary thought. Thanks to the UN world community pressured Yuons to get out of Cambodia in accordance to Paris Peace Accords signed in October 1991.
Vietnam always wants to swallow up Cambodia . They successfully took the lower Cambodia Kampuchea Krom already. Recently I saw Wanna, Khmer blogger posted the a picture billbord that he took in Vietnam. The picture has a fatherly- like Communist leader Ho Chi Minh lifts up a child for cuddling to his mustachio face. On the background there’s the contour of the Vietnamese map covering Cambodia – Laos and the whole southeast Asia. The dreadful Communist red star designates the Hanoi as the capital. Beneath the picture, the slogan read “Let's rebuild our country neater, bigger.”Bigger? Bigger to where ? I know for sure if Vietnam try expanding ‘bigger’ to north of its border into China, the host will surely give the Viets a warm response-- in kind, that is.
A click on the Picture will lead to source at
These sorts of belligerent displays and slogan are proof that Vietnam is truly an expansionist nation. They wiped out the indigenous populations in kingdom of Champa and went on to eliminate Kampuchea Krom (Lower Cambodia). We Cambodians and the world should be very aware of Vietnamese.
Please respect our Cambodia sovereign nation. I want my country. I want my Khmer language. I want my culture & tradition. A big NO to Viets in Cambodia. Now please don’t call me a racist xenophobe.