កោះត្រឡាច Koh Tralach
Click the yellow cover page on the left to download this complete book. The book is in Khmer. Sorry its not in english :( But, even if you don't read Khmer, download it for your reference. It's a great book.
កោះត្រឡាច "Koh Tralach" has stuck in me. After I read Khmer book "គុក នយោបាយ Kuk Noyobai--Political Prison" by Bunchan Mol, I was even more curious where "Koh Tralach" is. Thanks to today internet, information can be retrieved at our finger tip.
កោះត្រឡាច Koh Tralach, also known as Poulo Condore, is an archipelago with 16 smaller islands surrounding one large island. It is located in the South China Sea with the distance 230 km from ក្រុងព្រៃនគរ Krong Prey Nokor (Saigon). Koh Tralach always belongs to Khmer. In 1954, the French turned over to the Vietnamese.
Koh Tralach was made into a peniteniary (prison) during the French colonial time. The French sent those who they were suspected to revolt against them for independence to this island.Excerpt taken from introduction of the book គុក នយោបាយ.
The book I recently read was "Kuk Noyobai" -- Polical Prison by Bunchan Mol written in 1971 is an excellent book to dig into the history. It is a biography journal of the author Bunchan Mol under the French colonialism which he accounted from 1936 to 1945 the end of World War II. Through this book I was so moved how our peaceful, beautiful island of flora and fauna with pristine beaches was made into a living hell under the French then sadly was lost to the Vietnamese.
I highly recommend this book. I just uploaded electronic version (pdf) to my webpage at Esnip. Please click yellow cover page image above to download the complete text. The book is in Khmer. Sorry its not in english :( But, even if you don't read Khmer, download it for your reference. It's a great book.
Like the rest of Cambodia provinces, the Vietnamese have been trying so hard to eliminate any traces of Khmer origin. Koh Tralach these days is called by Vietnamese name 'Con Dao' or 'Con Son'. No matter how hard they're trying, just likeកោះត្រល់ Koh Tral or Koh Trol (Phu Quoc), កោះត្រឡាច Koh Tralach is always in the heart of every Khmer.
ខ្ញុំ វណ្ណះ